Differentiating CVQNN layers with Piquasso and Tensorflow#
In Piquasso, one can easily create Continuous-Variable Quantum Neural Networks (CVQNN) circuits using the Piquasso CVQNN module. In these circuits, the layers are constructed according to Continuous-variable quantum neural networks.
import piquasso as pq
d = 2 # Number of qumodes
layer_count = 10 # Number of CVQNN layers
# Generating random weights
weights = pq.cvqnn.generate_random_cvqnn_weights(layer_count=layer_count, d=d)
# Creating CVQNN layers as a Piquasso subprogram
cvqnn_layers = pq.cvqnn.create_layers(weights)
Piquasso automatically sets up a subprogram containing the instructions of the desired CVQNN layer. Now we can embed this subprogram in any Piquasso program. Let’s choose the input state as a pure displaced state.
# The program definition
with pq.Program() as program:
pq.Q() | pq.Vacuum()
for i in range(d):
pq.Q(i) | pq.Displacement(r=0.1)
pq.Q() | cvqnn_layers
Now, we need to choose the simulator which executes the instructions. Since a CVQNN layer includes non-linear terms, we definitely need to perform the simulation in Fock space. Since our initial state is pure, we can use PureFockSimulator.
cutoff = 5
simulator = pq.PureFockSimulator(d, pq.Config(cutoff=cutoff))
final_state = simulator.execute(program).state
After obtaining the state, we can calculate several things, e.g. the expectation value of the position operator on mode 0.
print("Mean position on mode 0:")
Mean position on mode 0:
In order to differentiate quantitities, we need to modify the simulation. In itself, PureFockSimulator
is unable to perform automatic differentiation. In order to do that, we can use TensorflowCalculator
, which replaces NumPy to TensorFlow under the hood. For a concrete example, let the loss function be
where \(\ket{\psi(w)}\) is the final state of the circuit, and \(\ket{\psi_*}\) is some random final state.
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import comb
state_vector_size = comb(d + cutoff - 1, cutoff - 1, exact=True)
psi_star = np.random.rand(state_vector_size) + 1j * np.random.rand(state_vector_size)
psi_star /= np.sum(np.abs(psi_star))
Then, by using tf.GradientTape, we can differentiate this loss function.
import tensorflow as tf
tf.get_logger().setLevel("ERROR") # Turns off complex->float casting warnings
simulator = pq.PureFockSimulator(
d, pq.Config(cutoff=cutoff), calculator=pq.TensorflowCalculator()
w = tf.Variable(weights)
psi_star = tf.Variable(psi_star)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
cvqnn_layers = pq.cvqnn.create_layers(w)
with pq.Program() as program:
pq.Q() | pq.Vacuum()
for i in range(d):
pq.Q(i) | pq.Displacement(r=0.1)
pq.Q() | cvqnn_layers
final_state = simulator.execute(program).state
psi = final_state.state_vector
loss = tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.abs(psi - psi_star))
loss_grad = tape.gradient(loss, w)
print(f"Loss: {loss.numpy()}")
print(f"Loss gradient: {loss_grad.numpy()}")
Loss: 1.9604476480647497
Loss gradient: [[ 2.48370504e-02 6.91253512e-03 -5.17538228e-02 5.91197083e-01
8.35270137e-01 4.33414809e-02 -1.44455276e-03 -6.10485008e-02
6.30518617e-01 7.87589392e-01 4.15688561e-04 6.45192857e-03
-7.05893753e-02 -1.81552492e-02]
[ 5.51070724e-02 1.14482055e-02 -7.20810177e-02 8.70276885e-01
6.50958369e-01 4.79129674e-02 -1.05355280e-02 -6.39677085e-02
7.03435046e-01 7.72832475e-01 6.62571242e-03 1.03948801e-03
-7.14190194e-02 -1.32908739e-02]
[ 5.91775056e-02 4.75369308e-03 -6.20956892e-02 8.06572060e-01
7.06752388e-01 4.33605125e-02 -4.52911124e-04 -6.26476669e-02
7.98818963e-01 7.21751009e-01 1.01077259e-02 -2.26709094e-03
-6.75334937e-02 -1.38186903e-02]
[ 4.01203598e-02 1.99768691e-03 -5.45376280e-02 8.81982242e-01
6.53387621e-01 5.93868412e-03 -6.30429008e-04 -5.38798294e-02
9.05422584e-01 7.15949040e-01 -3.64702223e-04 -5.77410545e-05
-6.82197114e-02 1.74116637e-03]
[ 1.07959822e-03 1.73058480e-04 -5.44175901e-02 8.66129564e-01
6.70398558e-01 1.66385446e-02 4.30945595e-04 -5.41922390e-02
9.00744709e-01 7.08804040e-01 4.50634059e-03 5.91755415e-04
-6.23273595e-02 5.69621412e-03]
[ 4.21102694e-03 3.93742722e-03 -5.36233257e-02 1.03238139e+00
5.26661099e-01 -1.52360597e-03 -3.54072884e-03 -4.91789820e-02
9.16184120e-01 6.90672795e-01 1.16414634e-03 -2.31269771e-03
-5.94908198e-02 9.16505767e-03]
[-2.04315766e-02 5.76912708e-04 -4.85917483e-02 8.56742917e-01
6.53319067e-01 -1.99088351e-02 8.87190361e-04 -4.30689726e-02
9.27679869e-01 6.49967198e-01 1.48523330e-04 -1.12318622e-03
-4.57634914e-02 1.02198966e-02]
[-2.21043277e-02 1.45639573e-03 -4.43768450e-02 9.80622059e-01
5.40051984e-01 -4.77245102e-02 2.81496583e-03 -6.23762968e-02
1.05210311e+00 4.76482110e-01 -8.71547209e-04 6.93330613e-05
-8.64155789e-02 8.37255149e-03]
[-4.67122038e-02 -3.90292564e-05 -6.32088147e-02 1.12961323e+00
4.26270074e-01 -2.25618686e-02 -5.57393577e-03 -5.11763569e-02
9.44769422e-01 6.50075251e-01 -1.20220424e-03 -2.19911083e-03
-6.92235563e-02 6.31057580e-03]
[-3.85113231e-02 -1.01100459e-03 -5.13675566e-02 7.89344621e-01
6.40349720e-01 -3.04770202e-02 -4.07158955e-03 -4.26573559e-02
8.30388031e-01 7.82317691e-01 2.13340682e-03 1.06722282e-03
-4.83288207e-02 5.57853420e-03]]
However, Piquasso is written in a way that it supports tf.function
(see Better performance with tf.function) one can also use tf.function
for this task. Refactoring everything into a function, we can use the tf.function
decorator. Note, that we have to avoid side effects in any function decorated with tf.function
, because side effects are only executed at the tracing step. Therefore, instantiation of pq.Program
should happen by
providing the instructions as constructor arguments, instead of using the with
def calculate_loss(w, psi_star, cutoff):
d = pq.cvqnn.get_number_of_modes(w.shape[1])
simulator = pq.PureFockSimulator(
pq.Config(cutoff=cutoff, normalize=False),
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
cvqnn_layers = pq.cvqnn.create_layers(w)
final_state = simulator.execute_instructions(
instructions=[pq.Vacuum()] + cvqnn_layers.instructions
psi = final_state.state_vector
loss = tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.abs(psi - psi_star))
return loss, tape.gradient(loss, w)
improved_calculate_loss = tf.function(calculate_loss)
loss, loss_grad = improved_calculate_loss(w, psi_star, cutoff)
print(f"Loss: {loss.numpy()}")
print(f"Loss gradient: {loss_grad.numpy()}")
Loss: 2.018569979174099
Loss gradient: [[ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 5.75160857e-01
6.83322458e-01 1.28450675e-02 -4.00008041e-05 -6.30548348e-03
-7.49845629e-01 -8.00313533e-01 7.09929231e-05 1.03634563e-02
-1.18960333e-02 1.04187002e-02]
[-1.35800236e-03 -5.49585214e-04 -5.68490534e-03 7.68436902e-01
5.05490527e-01 6.69074565e-03 6.61089567e-04 -5.98396524e-03
-7.70615878e-01 -7.65752853e-01 2.44147270e-03 2.03468039e-03
-4.38080826e-03 1.26999161e-02]
[ 1.33582634e-02 -1.68655402e-03 -1.85593853e-03 7.07517913e-01
5.44470265e-01 2.49539746e-02 6.42390173e-05 -1.95025626e-03
-8.25024061e-01 -6.44185279e-01 6.53653384e-03 -7.65527162e-03
9.10541653e-03 3.40278572e-03]
[ 4.26398634e-02 -1.80787941e-03 6.39415698e-03 7.10539771e-01
5.16317806e-01 4.19027819e-02 3.11151157e-04 6.34437434e-03
-7.11899830e-01 -5.86043987e-01 -1.78246076e-03 -3.32723452e-04
1.04650909e-02 4.07298677e-03]
[ 4.29666003e-02 -5.13803858e-05 4.61329396e-03 6.98424383e-01
5.25555203e-01 3.78096485e-02 -3.26929949e-04 6.85206072e-03
-7.86593321e-01 -5.59964717e-01 8.99000290e-03 4.50767474e-03
2.76895247e-02 7.51784650e-03]
[ 4.84763174e-02 -5.06656057e-03 2.09086242e-02 7.78957857e-01
4.11735915e-01 4.47041965e-02 5.57595820e-03 1.66618932e-02
-7.45897045e-01 -6.70781724e-01 4.18901129e-03 -5.51458453e-03
3.53793166e-02 2.84834471e-03]
[ 6.30724855e-02 -6.41540211e-04 2.14924447e-02 6.11241592e-01
5.05390366e-01 6.89479439e-02 -1.41398304e-03 2.94560107e-02
-8.62929995e-01 -6.09878053e-01 1.88758840e-04 -3.11469367e-03
5.47604296e-02 -3.52522121e-03]
[ 6.68569098e-02 -2.65481869e-03 3.22995882e-02 7.03713041e-01
4.32114569e-01 4.74536273e-02 -3.67396656e-03 2.02959096e-02
-8.42787956e-01 -4.25121040e-01 -3.99655314e-03 2.98835285e-04
1.63926716e-02 -1.21762767e-02]
[ 4.79882382e-02 6.12290682e-05 1.62381274e-02 8.37636878e-01
3.50979911e-01 5.30524902e-02 7.52035617e-03 1.63628512e-02
-8.23920872e-01 -6.25385991e-01 -2.62846126e-03 -5.16820365e-03
2.70939337e-02 -7.64525657e-03]
[ 6.78217682e-02 5.96498824e-04 1.31378911e-02 5.59849745e-01
5.20217392e-01 7.60063612e-02 2.26111302e-03 1.50965198e-02
-4.33486232e-01 -6.76081337e-01 -5.44203449e-03 4.00677625e-03
2.97522697e-02 1.53461233e-03]]
The first run is called the tracing step, and it takes some time, because Tensorflow captures a tf.Graph here. The size of the graph can be decreased by passing the decorate_with=tf.function
argument to pq.TensorflowCalculator
, which also decreases the execution time of the tracing step. After the first run, a significant speedup is observed. We can also compare the runtimes of the compiled and non-compiled function.
import time
import numpy as np
regular_runtimes = []
improved_runtimes = []
for i in range(10):
w = tf.Variable(pq.cvqnn.generate_random_cvqnn_weights(layer_count, d))
start_time = time.time()
calculate_loss(w, psi_star, cutoff)
end_time = time.time()
regular_runtimes.append(end_time - start_time)
start_time = time.time()
improved_calculate_loss(w, psi_star, cutoff)
end_time = time.time()
improved_runtimes.append(end_time - start_time)
print(f"Regular: {np.mean(regular_runtimes)} s (+/- {np.std(regular_runtimes)} s).")
print(f"Improved: {np.mean(improved_runtimes)} s (+/- {np.std(improved_runtimes)} s).")
Regular: 2.4323306560516356 s (+/- 0.25203824522512575 s).
Improved: 0.011875104904174805 s (+/- 0.0002783859661023313 s).
But that is not everything yet! One can also create a similar function with the jit_compile=True
flag, since every operation in Piquasso can be JIT-compiled using XLA through tf.function
jit_compiled_calculate_loss = tf.function(jit_compile=True)(calculate_loss)
jit_compiled_calculate_loss(w, psi_star, cutoff)
2024-03-02 09:40:10.970536: I external/local_xla/xla/service/] XLA service 0x23ff2f70 initialized for platform Host (this does not guarantee that XLA will be used). Devices:
2024-03-02 09:40:10.970561: I external/local_xla/xla/service/] StreamExecutor device (0): Host, Default Version
2024-03-02 09:40:14.366437: I tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/utils/] disabling MLIR crash reproducer, set env var `MLIR_CRASH_REPRODUCER_DIRECTORY` to enable.
2024-03-02 09:42:47.120088: E external/local_xla/xla/service/]
[Compiling module a_inference_calculate_loss_184206__XlaMustCompile_true_config_proto_3175580994766145631_executor_type_11160318154034397263_.64111] Very slow compile? If you want to file a bug, run with envvar XLA_FLAGS=--xla_dump_to=/tmp/foo and attach the results.
2024-03-02 09:45:40.915775: E external/local_xla/xla/service/] The operation took 4m53.795791141s
[Compiling module a_inference_calculate_loss_184206__XlaMustCompile_true_config_proto_3175580994766145631_executor_type_11160318154034397263_.64111] Very slow compile? If you want to file a bug, run with envvar XLA_FLAGS=--xla_dump_to=/tmp/foo and attach the results.
WARNING: All log messages before absl::InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR
I0000 00:00:1709394340.917125 34412 device_compiler.h:186] Compiled cluster using XLA! This line is logged at most once for the lifetime of the process.
2024-03-02 09:45:41.016959: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/stream_executor_internal.h:177] SetPriority unimplemented for this stream.
(<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float64, numpy=1.9352979440546>,
<tf.Tensor: shape=(10, 14), dtype=float64, numpy=
array([[ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00,
2.82974314e-01, 1.00761968e+00, -4.86587480e-04,
2.35804220e-04, -1.15113732e-04, -4.06551101e-01,
-1.11506339e+00, -3.28812640e-04, 7.26509004e-03,
-5.50407493e-04, 1.95176250e-02],
[-1.27337958e-02, -4.32230679e-04, -1.16956930e-05,
2.97284980e-01, 9.58032369e-01, 7.80146796e-03,
-1.15800353e-03, -5.29595553e-04, -6.03508410e-01,
-1.00960026e+00, -6.00128740e-05, -5.43138082e-03,
1.13088525e-03, -6.98910091e-03],
[ 1.50953348e-02, 1.06793890e-04, -6.96402317e-04,
2.78072391e-01, 8.89425807e-01, 1.65284781e-02,
-3.26193983e-04, -7.32702009e-04, -4.35469885e-01,
-1.08220389e+00, -2.19933132e-03, -2.47865138e-03,
-2.93182299e-03, -1.68765726e-02],
[ 1.09036764e-02, -1.39943937e-04, -2.79208939e-03,
2.70519193e-01, 9.50698120e-01, 1.51859239e-02,
-1.67403741e-04, -2.13834584e-03, -4.22355256e-01,
-1.12201492e+00, 5.67571939e-04, 1.58293338e-02,
-2.39030263e-03, -5.86237362e-03],
[ 8.30080898e-03, -1.82451373e-04, -1.38832253e-03,
1.76303654e-01, 9.95779073e-01, 4.75550916e-03,
6.22530734e-03, -8.94953191e-03, -4.22817330e-01,
-1.02663235e+00, 4.82082440e-03, -1.31465644e-02,
-1.01452761e-02, -5.70510595e-02],
[ 2.50325193e-02, 6.29469112e-03, -1.04233986e-02,
3.23611952e-01, 8.98244843e-01, 3.23882176e-02,
-2.04379300e-03, 3.59544328e-03, -4.59367176e-01,
-1.02342603e+00, -2.11534639e-03, -1.15771764e-03,
3.74358915e-03, -3.37975680e-02],
[ 2.35414600e-02, -1.02818825e-03, 2.50828514e-03,
1.33153804e-01, 1.02103626e+00, 2.06230600e-02,
1.96143023e-03, -5.50583838e-03, -3.60952140e-01,
-1.03240699e+00, -4.49581492e-04, 8.07466573e-03,
-1.35877540e-02, -2.15258038e-02],
[ 1.43627038e-02, 1.12035672e-03, -7.07577659e-03,
8.26398345e-02, 9.67306681e-01, 1.21847068e-02,
3.93848334e-03, -1.30241315e-02, -5.96429663e-01,
-9.72524487e-01, 4.51563428e-03, -2.90174828e-03,
-2.43580857e-02, -1.92727297e-02],
[ 3.10054604e-02, 2.81632895e-04, -8.79013015e-03,
2.34154711e-01, 8.87158522e-01, 2.62144967e-02,
1.71721715e-03, -3.41037966e-03, -7.37362510e-01,
-8.97797687e-01, 2.97914053e-03, 4.39680362e-03,
-1.40056766e-02, -1.96915555e-03],
[ 2.65714043e-02, 8.56081649e-07, -4.32095216e-04,
3.61163933e-01, 7.91136183e-01, 2.11602898e-02,
1.01903539e-03, -1.55889975e-02, -8.24757241e-01,
-8.52458879e-01, 2.70664645e-03, 2.46375745e-03,
-4.45933265e-02, -1.36795389e-04]])>)
Compiling the same function takes significantly more time, but the compilation step results in an extra order of magnitude runtime improvement:
jit_compiled_runtimes = []
for i in range(10):
w = tf.Variable(pq.cvqnn.generate_random_cvqnn_weights(layer_count, d))
start_time = time.time()
jit_compiled_calculate_loss(w, psi_star, cutoff)
end_time = time.time()
jit_compiled_runtimes.append(end_time - start_time)
print(f"Regular:\t{np.mean(regular_runtimes)} s (+/- {np.std(regular_runtimes)} s).")
print(f"Improved:\t{np.mean(improved_runtimes)} s (+/- {np.std(improved_runtimes)} s).")
f"JIT compiled:\t{np.mean(jit_compiled_runtimes)} s "
f"(+/- {np.std(jit_compiled_runtimes)} s)."
Regular: 2.4323306560516356 s (+/- 0.25203824522512575 s).
Improved: 0.011875104904174805 s (+/- 0.0002783859661023313 s).
JIT compiled: 0.0013802051544189453 s (+/- 0.00014840260989162237 s).
We are able to use this function for. e.g., quantum state learning. Consider the state
which is an example of a so-called NOON state. We can produce this using Piquasso:
with pq.Program() as target_state_preparation:
pq.Q(all) | pq.StateVector([0, 3]) / np.sqrt(2)
pq.Q(all) | pq.StateVector([3, 0]) / np.sqrt(2)
target_state = simulator.execute(target_state_preparation).state
target_state_vector = target_state.state_vector
psi_star = tf.Variable(target_state_vector)
Now we can demonstrate the speed of the JIT-compiled calculation by creating a simple optimization algorithm as follows:
learning_rate = 0.01
iterations = 10000
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate)
w = tf.Variable(pq.cvqnn.generate_random_cvqnn_weights(layer_count, d))
for i in range(iterations):
loss, loss_grad = jit_compiled_calculate_loss(w, psi_star, cutoff)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip([loss_grad], [w]))
if (i + 1) % (iterations // 20) == 0:
print(f"{i+1}:\t\t", loss.numpy())
print("Final loss:\t", loss.numpy())
500: 0.8607086996549679
1000: 0.8473090910243798
1500: 0.5849377384183669
2000: 0.40879991260231896
2500: 0.29813437623431027
3000: 0.2761913995731654
3500: 0.26621822690380204
4000: 0.23435492471006458
4500: 0.23874428115482763
5000: 0.2205772331178741
5500: 0.2416911247101965
6000: 0.2146732713315681
6500: 0.1993502777279203
7000: 0.22721179422812682
7500: 0.21320290731217184
8000: 0.20555180951647123
8500: 0.21018212032348688
9000: 0.20439647783148554
9500: 0.19759860554592923
10000: 0.18922056395791387
Final loss: 0.18922056395791387
We can use the final weights to calculate the final state, and calculate its fidelity with the target state.
program = pq.cvqnn.create_program(w)
final_state = simulator.execute(program).state
print("Final state fidelity: ",
Final state fidelity: 0.9994946525680765